Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, the first thing on all of our minds was where will be living for the next six months?  Well on the base, most people live in Containerized Living Units (CLU's) which are basically shipping containers, or con-ex boxes.  Sometimes, the junior enlisted sailors have to start out in tents and the senior level officers live in what's called "the White House." For now, I share a CLU with Anna, the ER doc.  Our CLU is in CLUville which is about a fifteen minute walk from the EMF where I work.  We are in what is known as a "dry" CLU meaning that there is no indoor plumbing, so we walk about 50 feet to the bathroom and shower facilities.  Not so bad, except when you have to go in the middle of the night!!!

Here are some pictures of CLUville

Here is a close-up of my CLU

And, here is the inside
It basically consists of 2 twin size beds, 2 lockers per person, and a desk behind that wall with two chairs, which Anna and I use as a vanity.

Here's a close up of my rack
This is home for me for the next two weeks until Bryan, the other anesthesiologist leaves.  Then, I get his CLU which has its own bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower.  It also has a phone and is only about a five minute walk to the EMF.  I guess there are some perks to being the only airway specialist on base;-)

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